Classic cars and airplanes will be showcased in a new event called “Pistons and Props” on Sunday, Oct. 5 at ̨ʹٷվ Community College’s John Bell Williams Airport outside of Raymond, Miss.
The “drive and fly-in” is being co-sponsored by the JBW Airport, ̨ʹٷվ’ Aviation Department, the Annual Renaissance Euro Fest Classic European Auto and Motorcycle Show and the Experimental Aircraft Association.
The event will be a combined automobile, motorcycle and aircraft show. The European autos of the Renaissance show will be joined by autos from the Mississippi Corvette Club making for a major showing of more than 100 cars, motorcycles and aircraft.
The event is free and open to the public from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Oct. 5. Food and drink concessions will be sold by Experimental Aircraft Association Local Chapter 276. All proceeds will go to the Mike Dalton Scholarship Fund. These funds will be made available to ̨ʹٷվ Community College Aviation Department students.
For more information, contact Hiram Haney, John Bell Williams assistant airport manager, 601.857.3884; Stan Whitfield, ̨ʹٷվ Community College Aviation Department director, 601.857.3300; Paul Duff, EAA Local 276, 601.214.3184,; Mike Marsh, European autos/motorcycles, 601.946.1950,; or Tom Gerity, Corvettes, 601.668.0533,
For information about the ̨ʹٷվ programs, see /programs-of-study/career-technical/aviation-technology